Desktop Restore


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How to install Desktop Restore?

1. Download the file.

2. Open the application and click on "Install ".

3. Follow the steps that appear on the screen.

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Last Updated on July 1, 2022 by

It is Desktop Restore Download, which is a utility that will restore all of the icons from your desktop. It works seamlessly with most major platforms.

If you prefer to have all the desktop icons in a specific order and place, then you will be able to manage them with the help of Desktop Restore Download. This utility will allow you to record all the desktop icons in a specific order and place.

Desktop Restore Download app helps users save the positions of their desktop icons and the layout of their programs. It also allows them to restore all of their desktop layouts.


If you are one of the individuals who despises the way their desktop icons get cluttered when their screen resolution changes, then this app is the tool for you.

This app will keep all of your desktop programs and icons where you want them to be. It can be useful when you have a change in the resolution of your screen, or when you use a particular app that rearranges your desktop.

If you have multiple desktop devices that are placed in different locations, it can be very time-consuming and annoying to get them back to their original position. With a desktop restore solution, you can get them back to their original location in just a couple of minutes.

This app is a Shell extension that records the position and layout of the desktop icons and programs on the Windows desktop. It can also restore the layout of the device. It works correctly on various operating systems, such as Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 98.

Although it may seem like a lesser priority for some users, managing their desktop is still very important. There are many people who have a way of organizing their desktop in a way that makes it easier to open and manage their various programs. For instance, by grouping multiple applications together, users can avoid having to go through the Start Menu to open them.

This app is a Shell extension that records the position and layout of the desktop icons and programs on the Windows desktop. It can also restore the layout of the device. It works correctly on different operating systems, such as Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 98.

Features of Desktop Restore Download


If you have many items on your desktop, it might take a long time for them to get back to their original position.


The easiest way to use this application is by clicking on the desktop, which brings up the options panel. There, you can modify the settings that are associated with the application.


Desktop Restore Download allows you to restore your desktop’s former layout after rearranging your icons.


Another utility that can restore desktop icons is called Icon Restore. It uses a file called Layout.dll to install new options when the system icon is selected.

Easy to use

This application is a shell extension that will appear in your contextual menu. Despite being labeled as a shell extension, it is very easy to use and is not an interactive interface.

How to Desktop Restore Download For Windows PC

  1. Click the Download button at the top of the Page.
  2. Wait for 10 Seconds And Click the “Download Now” button. Now you should be redirected to MEGA.
  3. Now let the Start to Download and Wait for it to finish.
  4. Once Desktop Restore is done downloading, you can start the installation.
  5. Double click the setup files and follow the installation instruction

How to Install Desktop Restore on your Windows PC

Follow guidelines step by step to Install Desktop Restore on your Windows PC.

  1. First, you need to Download Software for your Windows Computer.
  2. Once you Download the Application, Double click the setup files and start the Installation process.
  3. Now follow the All Installation Instruction.
  4. Once the installation is completed, restart your computer. (It is Better)
  5. Now open the Application from the home screen.

How To Uninstall Desktop Restore

If you need to uninstall Desktop Restore, that is the best guide for you. You need to follow those steps to safely Remove all Application files.

  1. Go to the Control Panel on Your Windows PC.
  2. Open the Programs and Features
  3. Find Desktop Restore, Right-click the Select icon, and press “Uninstall”. Confirm the action.
  4. Now you need to Delete the App Data. Go to the Windows Run Application. (Shortcut – Windows Key + R). Now Type in ‘%AppData%’ and press ‘OK’.
  5. Now find the Application folder and delete it.

Desktop Restore Alternative For Windows

  • Windows Update Blocker 
  • KeyTweak 
  • UltraUXThemePatcher 
  • Better DS3
  • DirectX 9
  • Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant

Frequently Asked Question

How do I restore my desktop?

This utility lets you save and restore desktop icons. It does so by adding two options to the right-click menu.

How do I restore desktop from Task Manager?

If you cannot see the desktop or the start menu after a program has run, or if you have to log in to Windows, then you need to manually launch the Explorerexe process from Task Manager.

How do I restore my Windows 7 desktop?

Open any application that has an open window. Then, click System Restore.

How do I save my desktop layout in Windows 10?

You can restore your icon layout immediately by going to the app’s menu and selecting “Edit>Restore.” It will automatically create and save new icon layouts for you. The app works well with multi-monitor setups.

Where is my desktop gone?

Before you can restore your desktop icons, make sure that you have enabled the Show desktop icon feature in Windows 10. Right-click your desktop and click View. If the desktop icons are still missing, click the “Check” button.


Desktop Restore Download for Windows is developed and updated by Jamie O’Connell. All registered trademarks, company names, product names, and logos are the property of their respective owners.

Version History

Desktop Restore (Download Now)

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