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Last Updated on September 2, 2022 by Marcella Stephens

iWebcam Download is an app that instantly connects people. It lets users create public video chat rooms and one-to-many chat rooms. With this feature, you can meet random people in real time.

Windows users who are looking for a way to chat with people from all around the world can easily accomplish that through iWebcam. By simply logging in, a user is connected to anyone and everyone in the world. There are various chat rooms that are available to meet people in different countries.

In an old world, people would often meet in chat rooms to connect and mingle. They never met each other in real life, but they still remained close friends.


You can now meet people online through iWebcam, which is a free app that allows users to start a live broadcast using their web camera. Unfortunately, there are people who are not able to see others through their webcams.

iWebcam is free to register and gives users with no ads the ability to create their own chat rooms. Website owners can also add their own chat rooms by creating a custom code.

Features of iWebcam Download

iWebcam is an online social networking

iWebcam is an online social networking tool that allows users to connect and communicate with each other anywhere in the world. Its built-in chat room features allow users to create their own private chat rooms.

It also has a private room

iWebcam is a video chat app that lets users connect with people from all around the world. It features a live video chat feature that allows users to communicate with each other. It also has a private room feature that lets users share their private conversations with their friends.

Their own private chat rooms

The app’s simple interface makes it easier to use. If users decide to register, they do not have to create an account. There are also ways to allow users to create their own private chat rooms. Another feature that’s included is the ability to create channel rooms.

One of the main advantages of 

One of the main advantages of using iWebcam is that it’s lightweight and easy to use. Just install it on your computer and it will immediately start working seamlessly. Its simple to use interface makes it very useful for people who are new to using it.

Which is free to use

Due to the open nature of Android’s platform, many developers have come together to create iWebcam, which is free to use. Its various features allow users to create private chat rooms that are totally different from each other.

How to Download iWebcam for Windows PC Free

  1. Click the Download button at the top of the Page.
  2. Wait for 10 Seconds And Click the “Download Now” button.
  3. Now let the Start to Download
  4. Once iWebcam is done downloading, Double click the setup files and you can start the installation.

How to Install iWebcam on your Windows PC

  1. First, you need to Download iWebcam Software for your Windows Computer.
  2. Once you Download the Application, Double click the setup files and start the Installation process.
  3. Now follow the All Installation Instruction.
  4. Once the installation is completed, restart your computer. (It is Better)
  5. Now open the Application from the home screen.

How To Uninstall iWebcam

  1. Go to the Control Panel on Your Windows PC.
  2. Open the Programs and Features
  3. Find the iWebcam, Right-click the Select icon, and press “Uninstall”. Confirm the action.
  4. Now you need to Delete the App Data. Go to the Windows Run Application. (Shortcut – Windows Key + R). Now Type in ‘%AppData%’ and press ‘OK’.
  5. Now find the Application folder and delete it.

iWebcam Alternative For Windows

  • Confide 
  • Camfrog Video Chat Build 
  • Nertivia 
  • Cacaoweb
  • KakaoTalk  Build
  • Chatterino


iWebcam Download for Windows is developed and updated by Igenetix Corporation  All registered trademarks, company names, product names, and logos are the property of their respective owners.

Version History

iWebcam (Download )

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