NoteTab Light


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How to install NoteTab Light?

1. Download the file.

2. Open the application and click on "Install ".

3. Follow the steps that appear on the screen.

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1.97 MB

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NoteTab Light Download is a widely used alternative to Notepad. It features a clean user interface and a variety of features that allow users to quickly modify text and files.

Jotting down multiple notes doesn’t have to be complex. With NoteTab Light, you can easily do so.

NoteTab Light is the ultimate free text editor. It features a clean, streamlined UI and a built-in HTML editor. It’s also compatible with other free apps.


Even though it’s a good tool for writing short notes, Windows Notepad falls short when it comes to handling complex tasks.

NoteTab Light is a full-featured HTML editor that works seamlessly with both text and HTML.

Features of NoteTab Light Download

Multiple notes at the same time

The NoteTab Light is a text editor that makes it easier to work with. It features a simple UI and lets users work with multiple notes at the same time.

Execute various calculations and convert text to images

Macros are useful for increasing work speed since they can execute various calculations and convert text to images.

Easily copied from the files

You can save text clips from a pile of files by clicking on them and then clicking “Save As” in the next dialog. HTML tags can be easily copied from the files.

Both Windows and macOS

NoteTab Light is a great alternative to Notepad, which can also be used as a basic HTML editor. It’s also compatible with both Windows and macOS.

Various font sizes and styles

A simple UI allows users to quickly move around large files. It also supports writing with various font sizes and styles.

NoteTab Light Alternative For Windows

  • TeXstudio
  • VirtualBox
  • TopStyle
  • Flutter
  • JD-GUI
  • Typora


NoteTab Light Download for Windows is developed and updated by Fookes Software Ltd. All registered trademarks, company names, product names, and logos are the property of their respective owners.

Version History

NoteTab Light (Download )

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