3.1 GB

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Last Updated on January 1, 2024 by Marcella Stephens

Kali Linux Download is a widespread open-source security distribution designed to be used by the security community. It features various tools geared toward conducting penetration testing and security research.

This Linux distribution is built from the ground up to meet the needs of advanced programmers, security auditors, and network specialists. It features over 600 penetration-testing tools to test various security measures and defenses, such as firewalls and anti-virus software.

Kali Linux is a powerful and advanced version of Linux that is designed to be used for various tasks such as network security assessments and penetration testing.


Kali Linux 64bit can run on target hard drives or through USB sticks to make installation easier. It can also be used as a virtual machine.

In 2013, Kali Linux was developed by a small group of individuals, including Mati Aharoni, Raphael Hertzog, and Devon Kearns. It was based on the same distribution package known as BackTrack, initially created by the individuals mentioned above. Kali Linux is built on top of the already-established Debian Wheezy distribution.

The development of Kali Linux Download was carried out in a secure environment. This ensures that the entire team is focused on reducing the risk of security exploits and data leaks.

Features Of Kali Linux Download

Packages are in a secure location with a few trusted people authorized to carry them out.

Kali Linux is built in a secure location with a small number of trusted individuals who are allowed to commit to packages. The developer is responsible for signing all of the boxes. The kernel is also built with a custom-built injection patched for wireless assessments. This feature was added to the seed because the development team wanted to do more wireless checks.

A free and open-source operating system that can run on multiple platforms.

Kali Linux Download is a free and open-source operating system that can run on various platforms, including a desktop, a virtual machine, or a live CD. It can also develop and execute security exploits using the Metasploit Framework.

Before starting to use it, you should establish its architecture.

 Kali Linux is designed to work seamlessly with a specific platform or purpose. Before you can start using it, you have to establish its architecture. If you’re running a 64-bit system, then the Kali Linux ISO 64-bit is the way to go. If you’re unsure which version to choose, you can try the portable versions.

An unsecured Kali ISO installation can perform on a remote client site

An unattended Kali ISO installation can be done on a remote client site. It will then automatically connect to our server using TCP port 443.

A free and distributed operating system.

Kali Linux Download is a 100% free, distributed operating system that can run on any modern PC. It can use on various types of devices, such as modern laptops, tablets, smartphones, and the Raspberry Pi.

How to Kali Linux Download 

  1. Click the Download button at the top of the Page.
  2. Wait for 10 Seconds And Click the “Download Now” button. Now you should be redirected to MEGA.
  3. Now let the Start to Download and Wait for it to finish.
  4. Once Kali Linux is done downloading, you can start the installation.
  5. Double click the setup files and follow the installation instruction

How to Install Kali Linux

Follow guidelines step by step to Install Kali Linux on your Windows PC,

  1. First, you need to Download Kali Linux Software for your Windows Computer.
  2. Once you download the Kali Linux Application, Double click the setup files and start the installation process.
  3. Now follow the All Installation Instruction.
  4. Once the installation is completed, restart your computer. (It is Better)
  5. Now open the Kali Linux Application from the home screen.

How To Uninstall Kali Linux

Suppose you need to uninstall Kali Linux; that is your best guide. You need to follow those steps to Remove all Kali Linux files safely.

  1. Go to the Control Panel on Your Windows PC.
  2. Open the Programs and Features
  3. Find the Kali Linux, Right-click the Select icon, and press “Uninstall.” Confirm the action.
  4. Now you need to Delete the Kali Linux App Data. Go to the Windows Run Application. (Shortcut – Windows Key + R). Now Type in ‘%AppData%’ and press ‘OK.’
  5. Now find the Kali Linux folder and delete it.

Frequently Asked Question

Can Kali Linux be downloaded?

To download Kali Linux, make sure that you follow the official download page, which is at kali.org/get-kali. Doing so will prevent unauthorized access to the pages you’re trying to visit.

How many GB is Kali Linux?

Kali Linux is a good choice for those who want a primary Secure Shell server without a desktop. It can run on 128MB of RAM and 2 GB of disk space.

Is Kali Linux free?

Kali Linux is free and always will be. Like BackTrack, it will never charge. We are committed to the open-source development model and will continue to provide you with a free, open-source version of Kali Linux.

Why do hackers use Kali Linux?

Besides being a free and highly secure operating system, Kali Linux has over 600 tools designed to help protect information. Most hackers use Kali Linux due to its security analysis and penetration testing features.

Is Kali Linux suitable for beginners?

If you are looking for a good starting point for learning about Linux, Kali Linux is not the best choice. Instead, you should start with distributions such as Ubuntu, Debian, and Mint.


Kali Linux Download for Windows is developed and updated by OffSec Services Limited. All registered trademarks, company names, product names, and logos are the property of their respective owners.

Version History

Kali Linux (2022.4 (32-bit))
3.1 GB

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