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How to install Charles?

1. Download the file.

2. Open the application and click on "Install ".

3. Follow the steps that appear on the screen.

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Charles Download is an HTTP proxy that enables developers to monitor and troubleshoot HTTP and HTTPS traffic from their machines.

Charles 4 is a paid upgrade. If you are looking for a great new app, then download a trial version of Charles 4 now.

Charles is an HTTP proxy that lets developers monitor the HTTP and HTTPS traffic between their machines. It does so by displaying the HTTP requests and the HTTP headers.


Charles is a web proxy that works seamlessly with any web browser. It sends and receives HTTP traffic and can display all of the data that was sent and received.

Charles is an HTTP monitor that lets developers monitor all the traffic that flows between a computer and the Internet.

Features of Charles Download

Debugging, and bandwidth throttling

Features include SSL Proxying, AMF debugging, and bandwidth throttling.

Diagnose and fix issues

In web development, debugging is often not possible without having visibility into the events happening between the server and the browser. Without this tool, it is difficult to diagnose and fix issues.

Debugging proxy that allows

Charles is a web debugging proxy that allows you to connect to the Internet to check what’s happening between your browser and the server.

Contain crucial information

Charles allows developers to see HTTP requests and the HTTP headers that contain crucial information. It also helps minimize bandwidth consumption and provide a better debugging experience.

Various extensions

This program was originally created by XK72 Ltd. It is a free download and can be run with various extensions.

Charles Alternative For Windows

  • BruteShark 
  • Tera Term 
  • Dukto R6
  • WinPcap 
  • MyHotSpot 
  • PowerPing 

Frequently Asked Question

How do I run Charles on Mac?

Follow the steps to set up a Wi-Fi connection and a HTTP proxy.

Version History

Charles (Download )

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