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Appium Download is a tool that simplifies the testing of mobile apps through its WebDriver framework.

Appium is a tool that enables developers to perform automated tests for mobile apps. It uses the WebDriver protocol to communicate with the apps.

Appium is a tool that simplifies the testing of web apps by allowing developers to create native, hybrid, and mobile apps. Hybrid apps are those that take advantage of the web content stored within a webview.


Appium Desktop is a new open-source app that lets you access the server through a graphical interface. It simplifies the work of developers by allowing them to identify the controls in the app that they want to test.

Appium is a tool that enables developers to test their web, mobile, and hybrid apps without having to install an SDK or modify the code in their apps.

Features of Appium Download

Need to be addressed

This will allow you to thoroughly test the app before it’s released to the public. It will also let you know if there are any issues that need to be addressed.

Create tests against various platforms

Appium is a cross-platform testing framework that allows developers to create tests against various platforms (iOS, Android, and Windows).

Programming language

Appium is a cross-platform testing tool that enables users to perform advanced tests on both Android and iOS. It works seamlessly with any programming language.

Identify and locate

Appium Inspector is a tool that lets you identify and locate the elements of an app. It’s a rival to Perfecto Spy.

Supports cross-platform testing

Appium is a free and open-source UI testing framework. It supports hybrid and native app testing. It also supports cross-platform testing.

Appium Alternative For Windows

  • ConTEXT 
  • Mockplus SourceMonitor 
  • W32DASM 
  • Pinegrow Web Editor 
  • VMware Player 

Frequently Asked Question

Is Appium free to use?

Appium is a free, open-source testing framework that lets you run tests against iOS and Android mobile platforms

What is Appium Desktop?

Appium Desktop is an open-source app that lets you run Appium’s automation server in a graphical UI. It features a variety of tools that allow you to set up the server’s settings.

What is Appium used for?

Appium is a framework that enables testers to perform automated tests for mobile apps. It works seamlessly with various mobile platforms such as Android and iOS.

How much does Appium cost?

The Appium Developer Community is free for up to 2 users. The Professional plan is $100/month and includes 5 users.


Appium Download for Windows is developed and updated by JS Foundation. All registered trademarks, company names, product names, and logos are the property of their respective owners.

Version History

Appium (Download )

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