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Last Updated on March 25, 2022 by Marcella Stephens

CUDA-Z Download is an Open Source system info tool that was created as a joke. Its creators state that it was initially built as a parody of other similar tools. Unlike other systems info tools, it displays drivers and ends with the .dll versions.

CUDA-Z is a tool that gives you detailed information about your GPU(s). It’s built on the NVIDIA CUDA GPU computing API. It works seamlessly across various platforms such as Windows and Mac OS X.


CUDA-Z is a portable tool that lets users easily identify and troubleshoot the various hardware configurations of their PC.

The creator of CUDA-Z claims that it was built as a joke since the developers who created it recognize the similarities of similar tools. Its interface is also different from the standard machine knowledge tools.

The concept of CUDA-Z was to mimic the look and feel of other similar utilities that are designed to show basic information about GPUs and their drivers.

Features of CUDA-Z Download

  • Although CUDA-Z only shows core capabilities and doesn’t include floating-point calculation of performance, it may show other details such as memory size and bandwidth.
  • Since this app is not an installation package, it can be easily dropped in any part of the hard drive. You can also save it to a USB flash drive or install it on any PC with minimal effort.
  • CUDA-Z Download is a GPU that gives you details of your system’s hardware. It uses the same processing SDK as the GTX. It’s also accessible through all three major operating systems.
  • Cuda-Z ist berzeugt und informieren Sie sich, die beiden Treiber und DLL-Versionen knnen. Die Liste der verschiedener Informationen waren, die sich die bertragunggeschwindigkeit von der Karte angezeigt.
  • This app was created as a parody of the CPU-Z and GPU-Z utilities. It shows some basic information about the GPUs and displays details about their hardware.

CUDA-Z Alternative For Windows

  • JDiskReport
  • SpeedFan
  • CPU-Z
  • RAMMap
  • Bill2’s Process Manager
  • BGInfo

Frequently Asked Question

What is CUDA Z?

CUDA-Z is a parody of the CPU-Z and GPU-Z utilities. It works seamlessly across various platforms such as Android, Windows, and Linux.

How do I find CUDA cores?

To verify that you have a GPU that is capable of running CUDA, go to the Display Adapters section in Windows Device Manager.


CUDA-Z Download for Windows is developed and updated by Andriy Golovnya. All registered trademarks, company names, product names, and logos are the property of their respective owners.

Version History

CUDA-Z (Download Now)

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