Advanced Uninstaller PRO


10.2 MB

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Last Updated on January 1, 2024 by Marcella Stephens

After running a scan, you’ll see that many files have been left behind, including those usually associated with the registry entries. In the worst cases, these files can be left behind with spyware that can ruin your life. Advanced Uninstaller PRO Download can easily remove these files and other unwanted programs by selecting their name from a list, dragging and dropping them, or dropping them into the desktop icon.

The ultimate Windows program removal tool, Advanced Uninstaller PRO, is designed to give you the power to remove all unwanted programs, including those that are harmful to your privacy and are not detected by other tools. Its interface is simple and intuitive, allowing you to clean your Windows thoroughly.

The Advanced Uninstaller PRO features are designed to keep track of all the changes made to your computer during the software installation. It also helps you free up disk space by removing duplicate files and ensuring that your Windows registry is clean.


The program is elementary to use and provides a lot of helpful information and guidance throughout the process. It helps you clean the Windows registry and other services to ensure your computer runs smoothly.

With the help of its various features, Advanced Uninstaller PRO can free up disk space by removing duplicate files and ensuring that your Windows registry is clean. It can also help you open and browse the Internet without any problems.

The Advanced Uninstaller PRO 12 is also designed to protect your privacy by shredding the folders and files that you have stored in it. It comes with various tools that can help you remove all unwanted programs, including those that are harmful to your privacy and are not detected by other means.

Features Of Advanced Uninstaller PRO Download

It can protect your privacy

Advanced Uninstaller PRO Download can remove the opening history and web browsing history of various applications so that you can open and browse the Internet without worrying about your documents and files. It can also protect your privacy by shredding your files and folders in a way that won’t allow them to be recovered.

It helps you run smoothly by removing duplicate files

The Advanced Uninstaller PRO helps you run smoothly by removing duplicate files and ensuring that your Windows registry and services are working correctly. It can also free up disk space by removing invalid files and folders in various applications, and it can open and browse the Internet without any issues.

It can create an installation log

 This tool can also help you monitor the installation of a program, and it can create an installation log for that specific app. After that, you can obliterate it.

Free tool

The Advanced Uninstaller PRO Download is the first free tool to remove programs from Windows 32 and 64-bit. It can also remove various items that other uninstallers cannot handle.

It can locate and remove temporary files t

The Advanced Uninstaller PRO can help you remove all the damaged Start Menu shortcuts and hide or show them at any time. It can also locate and remove temporary files left behind by various applications, such as Windows, Internet Explorer, etc.

How to Advanced Uninstaller PRO Download 

  1. Click the Download button at the top of the Page.
  2. Wait for 10 Seconds And Click the “Download Now” button. Now you should be redirected to MEGA.
  3. Now let the Start to Download and Wait for it to finish.
  4. Once Advanced Uninstaller PRO is done downloading, you can start the installation.
  5. Double click the setup files and follow the installation instruction

How to Install Advanced Uninstaller PRO

Follow guidelines step by step to Install Advanced Uninstaller PRO on your Windows PC,

  1. First, you need to Download Advanced Uninstaller PRO Software for your Windows Computer.
  2. Once you Download the Advanced Uninstaller PRO Application, Double click the setup files and start the installation process.
  3. Now follow the All Installation Instruction.
  4. Once the installation is completed, restart your computer. (It is Better)
  5. Now open the Advanced Uninstaller PRO Application from the home screen.

How To Uninstall Advanced Uninstaller PRO

Suppose you need to uninstall Advanced Uninstaller PRO, that is the best guide for you. You must follow those steps to Remove all Advanced Uninstaller PRO files safely.

  1. Go to the Control Panel on Your Windows PC.
  2. Open the Programs and Features
  3. Find the Advanced Uninstaller PRO, Right-click the Select icon, and press “Uninstall.” Confirm the action.
  4. Now you need to Delete the Advanced Uninstaller PRO App Data. Go to the Windows Run Application. (Shortcut – Windows Key + R). Now Type in ‘%AppData%’ and press ‘OK.’
  5. Now find the Advanced Uninstaller PRO folder and delete it.

Frequently Asked Question

How do I get rid of Advanced Uninstaller PRO?

Follow the instructions below to uninstall Advanced Uninstaller PRO. Download Free. It will appear in the list, and you can click on it to start the uninstall process.

How do I use Advanced Uninstaller?

This tool scans all the files and folders modified during the installation process. It can also use to monitor the changes in the registry and other files. To start the program, go to General Tools > Monitored installations.


Advanced Uninstaller PRO Download for Windows is developed and updated by Innovative Solutions. All registered trademarks, company names, product names, and logos are the property of their respective owners.


Version History

Advanced Uninstaller PRO ( 13.24.0 )
10.2 MB

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